Thursday, March 12, 2009

A day at the Beach

Well, not exactly. . . or not at all. This is just outside our back door. Thus the concrete, stones, and dog.

That looks like a great shot right?? Well, let's look a little closer.

Here's "Mr. NoEyes"

And "Mr. CrookedMouth-WeirdGrin"

We have enjoyed the small respite from Winter these last few days. It's back to blustery and chilly today, but we don't feel bad. We took advantage of every warm day this week.

My little Beach Bums even got Sunburned necks! Guess that's confirmation that we have two Red-necks. ugggg

They made this lovely configuration all by themselves! It's just what they do! If they have access to lots of toys they line them all up. Whether it's 150 matchbox cars or 4 chairs. Hmmm wonder if they got Rodney's "superorganizational" gene???? One can hope.

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