Friday, April 16, 2010

Picture Day at Preschool and Rounding out Rodney's Birthday

Yesterday was picture day at school. Here are my two handsome fellows all slicked and ready to go.

We tend to celebrate Birthdays for a week around here! Not every moment of the week, of course, but with different things all week long. Since Rodney is just now feeling a little better we decided to catch a ball game. Here we are in the parking lot!

Heading on into the stadium.

In the upper deck ready to see some Charlotte Knight's action at their Opening Night.

Notice Gabe is about to pop a peanut in his mouth....WITH THE SHELL ON! He did learn to shell them after this.

The weather was perfect!

The company was comical,

and cute.

This child finished his whole cotton candy.

Carousel ride.... last ride of the night... we rode free! They are all sweaty from doing the giant blow up slide so many times!

Homer and Carolina signed programs for us!

Rodney's birthday has now been officially celebrated! What a great night of fun!


Unknown said...

Your boys are so smiley!! Looks like they had a great time!

Mast said...

You were so close to us we would have loved to have met up with you!!! Rodney I pray you will heal soon.-Lisa

Danielle said...

It was so much fun! Very family friendly park!
Lisa - it was so spur of the moment we figured you all would have stuff planned. We sure thought of you guys being that close though!