Sunday, March 15, 2009

the car

Today was a fun day. It was Pinewood Derby day! Red Hill hosted for neighboring churches.
Rodney was supposed to make a car, but just didn't have the time to do it. So, I volunteered my expert services! Ha!! This was my first one actually.

I began with a perfect rectangle....which I neglected to photograph. I got this far with my mitre saw and a drill. (There was the same amount of wood in front of the front axel as there is behind the back one.... before I lopped it off with my big saw.)

Then I made a phone call and borrowed a dremmel and a sander. Here I finally got the shape right and a few coats of paint on.

The front view in all it's tinfoil glory.

new windshield

glueing the lettering on

Finally finished!

Making the church bus was Rodney's idea. It was so much fun!

I clipped the actual license plate from a picture. The font size on the back door is a size 6 and 4.

The real bus

Our bus

Tomorrow: the race


Mast said...

My what an artist you are...such a neat idea!-Lisa

Anonymous said...

You did really great - my mom would be proud!!!