I guess it's official. I now have a mini van and a child playing soccer. I'm a soccer Mom. I even have those little people stickers on the back of the van. (To my defense, it came that way.) Really, it did! Seeeeeeee
Anyway, back to soccer. G's very first game. I think there were about 3 little boys on our team that sort of knew what to do. (G was not among them) It was so fun to watch. G is number 5 (quite by accident he got his Dad's old number)
2 little girls, which shall remain nameless, walked around ON the field holding hands while "playing" the game. They were adorable.
At 6pm the sun was killer. Especially to a blond haired blue eyed fellow. But more especially for one that has had eye surgery. Even the sunglasses were not cutting it.
A friend loaned him his visor and it helped a lot. To do: purchase visor before next game. Here he's playing goalie!!!
Dad giving some pointers.
Kicking that ball.
He even got it off the ground!
Ahhhh look at that form! That's my boy.
Don't ya love his little purple soccer playing dress?? His Indian name could be, "Boy who wears way too much gear."
A big smile walking off the field after playing goalie. NOTHING GOT PAST HIM!!!!!!
It was a WONDERFUL loss. 0 to 3 We had a ball!
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