Whew! I just can't keep up with this blog lately. I think it's because all my computer time is spent on the net searching for furnishings for the Church Basement. By the time I finish that I'm ready to look at something besides this screen!!
I have been taking pictures though. You know I can't resist that! So, I have some inspiration for some posts!
On that last trip to Ikea we got the boys another rug for their play room. Here is what Gideon promptly did with it.
Then there's this little guy... he likes to line things up too. They must have gotten their Father's organizing genes.
We went to the park ... I think it was Friday. I got sunburned lips. Don't ask. Fine, I'll tell ya since you really want to know why I wasn't wearing something on my lips with sunscreen. Well, the last thing I wore that was not pure petroleum jelly was Blistex. ... and it landed me at the Dr. with Fat Albert's lips. Apparently I'm allergic. Yes, how many of you wives wore a lovely shade of perfectly clear petroleum jelly for your WEDDING!!! If you don't know already, sunburned lips feel like chapped lips for 3 straight days. So, I am now, bravely, exploring my lip protection options. I'm trying Burt's Bees at this moment. If it doesn't work out you'll not be seeing Fat Albert's lips at church that's for sure!!!!
So, where were we... Oh, yeah, the park. On the way there Gideon calmly told us that he was going to do the twisty thing today. And he did!!! Lots of times! We'll not count the one where he let go with his hands and I rescued him as he held on upside down with just his legs. Looked like a pulled back to me. Didn't bother him a bit. Oh, to have a lithe 4 year old body. I'd have been sore for a week.
World's most static slide.
Gideon: Contortionist. Look carefully at the feet!!!!!
They are GABE's feet!!! Gabe was climbing up and Gideon undercut him and knocked him over. ... thus the Grin.... mission accomplished.
Saturday we did "Operation InAsMuch" ~ the NC State-wide evangelistic effort by the Southern Baptist Churches. We headed to the church in the morning and got the prayer walk started and then prayer walked back home. Then we took "Friend Day" fliers to Ansonville. The boys loved walking the streets and knocking on doors and inviting folks to Friend Day.
Then we headed for the evangelistic baby shower for young and unwed mothers in the county. We helped load up and clean up there. That is where the host of balloons came from. Somehow our boys wrangled a whole bunch of helium balloons from that stop.
(Parent's secretly cringe at Balloons) ... you know... kids get attatched... balloon flies away... kid cries/screams for an hour.......
Rodney had a great idea.... we tied a friend day invite to them and let them go!
The boys thought it was great!
Heeeeee heee so did we!!! *insert semi-evil laugh here... bye bye evil balloons...
Come to think of it... is this legal?
So you are now up to speed on our weekend! Hope yours was full of sun and fun and serving the Lord too!
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