You know Spring is here when you can do this:
Take your poor innocent four-year old and try to teach him to play soccer. Here we are on the way to his first practice.
This little man is a bit sad that he only gets to watch and kick his own soccer ball.
You know it's truly hot when you want to do this:
Pouring. (Gabe is using his hat) The boy is going to be a rocket Scientist. He can figure out a way to do anything he wants to do. Or perhaps he'll be a garbage man... he loves going to the dump with Daddy.
Posing for Mom. (part of the punishment when you land on the step for a time-out) ... he he he
Would you imagine that Gabe got in trouble too and had to sit on the step for a bit? :)
I'll leave you with this shot. This is what it's all about just "unlaxing" in the sun. (well, shade if you have pasty white skin like my young'ins) I've found the best sunblock is to block it completely with the carport. Not that my over protective genes didn't kick in and require me to slather them with spf anyway...
Post on the first Soccer game coming soon!!! Now that I've got most of the major ordering finished for the Basement reno I want to get back to more regular posting! Thanks for bearing with me.
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