Friday, September 25, 2009

a three year old boy

Are all 3 year-old boys this silly?? This one insists this is cake. I even had a red "A" piece of it. yum.

His wardrobe here is notable.

Apparently you have to be rather specific with 3 year-olds. After he used the potty I told him to get a new pullup and put it on.

And, being the obedient boy that he is, *sigh* he put that clean pull up on.....

Over his old pull up and over his shorts. Then he peeled his shirt off.

I think he stayed this way for about 3 hours yesterday!! .... and I let him.


Wendy said...

:) Oh, and just to put your mind at ease - 3 year old girls are just as silly as 3 year old boys!

Missy said...

She is indeed 3!

3 year olds are nuts. She will be four in December....please Lord, let this stage calm down a bit!!

I have a feeling Mags is always gonna be a mess tho!!