Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Some random things

Here is Thomas the Tank Engine. Gideon drew this and we sent in hoping to have it published in the magazine. We're not holding our breath on that though. I'm sure they get thousands of entries.

This is the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

This was in the lobby during October sometime. I thought it was so neat!! Cool idea.

Here are my two Monkey's under our tree. I took this on Sunday after church. This is the first time Gabe has ever worn a tie. Oh, and I scored that white sweater vest at the Goodwill on Friday!! Imagine, a white sweater with no stains at the Goodwill!

This week Gideon asked, "Momma, is Cantata the Spanish word for Choir?" Good question child, but no, it's not. :)

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Wendy said...

I'd have known Thomas anywhere!! Hope Gideon gets published!

Neat arrangement with the pumpkin - if I tried to do something like that, it wouldn't look right!

Monkeys? You meant angels, right??!!!

Danielle said...

I could give you the email and you could email some of Heidi's in too. You don't have to have a magazine subscription to send in a pic. There are prizes too, if they choose you.
Yes, I couldn't do the pumpkin thing either and have it come out right.

no, I actually mean devils. LOL