Monday, July 27, 2009

3 Letter Aunts and Grandmas

Our weekend started off with visitors and ended with exhaustion!

2 Aunts and 2 Grandmas came for a visit. Would you believe their names are; Mae, Mae, Lou and Kay?! Yes, the three letter Aunts and Grandmas!!

It was hilarious to see what our boys conned our guests into doing.

I found this scene one evening near bed time.

They have everyone reading "Thomas the Tank Engine" Magazines. How many people does it take to read to two boys?? :)

They brought a Huge watermelon. I couldn't resist taking a picture of them chowing down!!

We really had a nice time with our guests. We went to Spencer and walked the transportation Museum and rode the train. Then we went browsing in Down town Salisbury.

We came across a quarter ride at one of the shops. It was a horse and was from the 1950's. It was the best horsey ride ever. I think they begged at least 10 quarters from the unsuspecting Aunts and Grandmas!!

Our legs were worn out, but we had a great weekend with the "three Letter" Aunts and Grandmas.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Father's day and the SBC

We were in Louisville for Father's Day this year. We went to Highview to hear Dr. Al Mohler in Sunday School, but he was Preaching... so that worked out really well. I have never heard such a great sermon on the Doctrine of Salvation.

We found Olive Garden after Church and celebrated Father's Day.

Here we are in front of the Convention Center. (ignore that kid picking his nose... don't know how he got in our family photo.)

This is the Cooperative Program booth in the Exhibit hall.

North American Mission Board Exhibit. They had the last presentation of the convention and it was STIRRING.

There were ancient manuscripts and Bibles in the cases in the foreground.

International Mission Board Display. It was incredible. Folks were signing their name on the wall of maps to pray for that area. It was all pieces of the puzzle... praying for a piece...etc.. Neat theme.

Sum up the Convention:

1. We were so encouraged to see what we are accomplishing for the Lord's Kingdom.
2. The missions emphasis is as strong as ever.
3. There are such good men in leadership.
4. They took good care of our boys for us to be in the meetings.
5. Pastor's wives meeting was Great! I heard two great ladies speak and was encouraged.
6. Rodney LOVED all the preaching in the Pastor's Conference (Sunday and Monday.) It is such a blessing for him to get some preaching!
7. There are no good restaurants close to the Convention center. ... except Cracker Barrel.
8. God is So Good!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Louisville Zoo

Neat Monkey exhibit. The 2 Monkeys in the foreground live at my house.

The "out of commission" train. Apparently there was a bad accident 3 weeks before our visit.

We loved the old carousel. It said it was built in Philadelphia, PA! Their were real horse hair tails on the horses. With your zoo pass you could ride as much as you wanted.

At the convention Gideon was in the children's program, "Pirates of the Cranium." He had a blast... see how sweaty he is!

Eating at the convention center. There were so few restaurants in the immediate area that they had some catered food in the exhibit hall. The area around the conv. center was rather run down and depressed.

We had a fast-paced but fun time in KY.