Thursday, November 12, 2009

The North Carolina State Convention

We had a busy, but refreshing time at the Convention this week (click on red words for more info.) We left Sunday afternoon just after Rodney conducted a Graveside funeral service in the balmy 74 degree weather.

We arrived in time for Rodney to head over to Lawndale Baptist Church for some good preaching at the Pastor's conference. Monday we heard Alistair Begg during the Pastor's conference! That was a treat!!

Here's the convention center. We were on the 10th floor!

The NC Baptist Singers and Orchestra kicked off the convention Monday Evening. They were SO good!

The boys bring their own entertainment and sit in the meetings. Did you know, "There are 4.5 million lost people, a conservative estimate, in North Carolina," Read more on that here.

We had been through the exhibits and Gideon got a sticker, among other things. .. let's see, train whistles, lime sherbert, back scratchers, tootsie rolls, m & m's, misc candy, bags, pens, finger nail file, bandaids, literature and probably something I'm forgetting. Fun times.

We saw the Baptist Children's Home Reps that came to our church for the VBS closing program. They remembered us and we got to chat a bit with them.

That's the view from our room! We only walked to the mall once, and that was just in search of a quick meal.

Here's Gabe dragging the "things to keep you busy during the sessions" bag through the Exhibit hall.

Tuesday, NC BAM was handing out lime sherbet. While we were enjoying our sherbert Gideon saw a church Architects' display and asked me this, "Why do some churches not have pointy ends?" and "Where do they put their bell?." What will he think of next!! :)

Trying out the fancy chairs in the Hotel.

Gone is the 74 degree, balmy weather and in it's place is an email inbox full of flash flood warnings. It's good to be home. I missed my comfy bed and the feel of home. I'm so blessed.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall Festival

Saturday night was the Fall Festival at church. Enjoy the pics!

This is the official picture at the church.

The hayride was great!!

My sweet Mom made the boys costumes with a thrift store pattern and some old left over fabric! They will be a keep sake for years to come!

What fun we had!! We just LOVE fall!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fall Views

Happy Sunday to you!! Let us go in to the House of the Lord!!

Here are some shots from last week. This is the view from our back porch.

The Pee Dee River (I think) during the Royal Ambassadors Camp out. I could hang this on the mantle!

Flowers from my Sweetheart for my Birthday. Rodney took this pic and it is Untouched! Nice work!

Free entertainment as the road was worked on just in front of our house.

Have a Blessed Lord's Day and Praise Him for it!