Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Card 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Need a little laugh?

Preschool Christmas Program

Oh, the Fun!!! Today was Gideon and Gabe's little Program for Preschool. As you can see he was "THE KING" (said in a deep booming voice.) The shepherds were keeping their eye on him.

Here he is doing his part. Placing a present there for the Baby.

Praying... the shepherds still keeping an eye on him. Gabe is the shepherd with the lamb.

This is Gideon's class. Two pretty girls and my boy. They were quoting John 3:16.

Here's the whole crew. ... 6 months old up to 5 years. (one of the angels slept through the whole thing. ... a shepherd cried until he got his mama!!)

It was SO cute! I'm afraid Gideon is going to want to bring his Kingly chair home!! He already thinks he's a Prince to be served!!

For more on this click here.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Some random things

Here is Thomas the Tank Engine. Gideon drew this and we sent in hoping to have it published in the magazine. We're not holding our breath on that though. I'm sure they get thousands of entries.

This is the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

This was in the lobby during October sometime. I thought it was so neat!! Cool idea.

Here are my two Monkey's under our tree. I took this on Sunday after church. This is the first time Gabe has ever worn a tie. Oh, and I scored that white sweater vest at the Goodwill on Friday!! Imagine, a white sweater with no stains at the Goodwill!

This week Gideon asked, "Momma, is Cantata the Spanish word for Choir?" Good question child, but no, it's not. :)

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Christmas is almost here!!!

The night of the Cantata Rodney took this picture! I just love it!

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