Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bull-a- Bar

Have you ever gone to Bull-a-Bar???

Well, this was our first time.

The Boys really loved it.

Here we are choosing our Bar... I mean Bear.

Hey, there's a Bar over thar in 'em woods. Better git yore gun Granny.

Oh, sorry. Just practicing so I'll be able to communicate with Gideon in a few more years.

They have chosen. Well done Dad.

They were having a blast listening to the sounds. Too bad we didn't get one. ...not.

Praying God's most bountiful blessings on the new life that is about to be.....oh, no.
He was just making a wish. He took it very seriously.

Gabe chose a heart.

They loved giving them a bath.

It took some fancy talkin' but we eventually caused Gabe to part with the Pink "Hello Kitty" chair. Well done Dad.

Meet "Bear." Gabe is very creative with his names.

I just let Gabe push any button he wanted to after we were done with the birth cirtificates. I think free reign of the computer was the highlight of the trip for him.

Gideon dragged this kennel the whole way through the mall.


I have PROOF.

(It was loud and embarrassing too. Don't ya think it wasn't.)

Oh Yeah, Gideon got a puppy. He named him,.....are ya ready for this? "Puppy"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heidi has started to think up more elaborate names for her stuff! She now has a pink bunny named "Bunny-Bun"! Of course then there is the puppy named "Woofie Pie" and another pup named "Barfy" (ewe - that one sounds gross - I don't think I'd want that dog in the house!), and Mr. Woofer!! If your guys need any ideas Heidi'll be sure to help!! That looked like fun - I know some of my nieces have done Bul-a-Bar (generally known as Build A Bear in this neck of the woods!!), but we haven't done it with Heidi yet!