Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Scary Thing

I have a confession. Finger paints scare me to death. I have never bought any and this is an activity I never wanted to do with my children. I knew I just couldn't handle the stress, and the cleanup, and the ruined clothes, walls, furniture......aahhhhhh hyperventilating here.....

need paper bag.

whew, ok

Well, at Christmas we were given this

As much as I wanted to run away screaming, my strict decorum would not allow me.
So today, yes, it took me a month and a half to get up the courage, I got them out.

Of course, the boys LOVED them!

But here's the thing, I LOVED THEM TOO!!!

It was like painting with Petrolium Jelly! Except that on the special paper it turns the right color! On every other surface it made no mark!!!

So if there's anyone else out there with an unhealthy fear, like mine, of Finger paints Fear NO MORE! Get THIS KIND!

It was So fun for the boys and there was no cleanup. Really!

For Mothers of Preschoolers - these finger paints are your friend
For Grandparents and others who have to try to figure out what to buy kids for gifts - This was such a great Gift!!!

Happy Valentine's Day All!!!

1 comment:

Mast said...

Hey we have these too and the marker sets. Don't get too attached to their artwork or try to keep them for keepsake because over the years the colors fade and change.