Thursday, February 19, 2009

Havin' Fun

Ok. This pose makes me think of Urkel.
"Do you have cheeze? I smell CHEEZE??" (hold your nose while reading this line)

He Stole the Glasses from this little Guy. Yes, Puppy has glasses, just like his owner Gideon.

What is he looking at?

I'm glad you asked.

THIS! The new, improved

Wonder-Vacu-Matic 6,000!!!!

Yes, Folks it takes the work out of Vacuuming. Every Mother should have one or even Two!
It conveniently wraps comfortably about the body (waist not to exceed 13 inches) for easy transportation around your home.

It comes in this sleek stainless steel/Nickle finish and is perfectly see-through.

It will hold even the biggest of items.
As shown in our demonstration here, all types of toys can be inhaled by the Wonder-vacu-matic 6,000!

Get yours today.

It doesn't take much for my two silly boys to have fun. They are very imaginative. So imaginative that they don't use their toys for their intended purpose very often. Not that we have a staircase to use the slinky on anyway!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha that was great! I had one of those Wonder-Vacu-Matics when i was little only my was way smaller and colored!! Whew they've really upgraded :D