Last night I opened the Freezer door in search of something green to go with our supper. I found this.
frozen washcloth
I'm guessing our sweet babysitter was trying to soothe Gabe's teeth?
Perhaps Gabe just wanted to try freezing something?
Could have been worse.
Grandma sent these Valentine Bears in the mail. Gabe could not let go of the Ball long enough to pose for me.
And I ended my day like this. (My Hubby cruelly took this aweful pic of me)
I'll just be real with ya' and post it anyway.
I'll just be real with ya' and post it anyway.
"Bittersweet" by Cathy Marie Hake
It was a great book.
We topped off the day by going to the "Forever Young" covered dish dinner.
They sure can cook. I took corn pudding.
A great day! I only lost one breakable item!!
It was a great book.
We topped off the day by going to the "Forever Young" covered dish dinner.
They sure can cook. I took corn pudding.
A great day! I only lost one breakable item!!
Great job on your blog, honey! Keep it up!
Girl! You took the blogging plunge! Good for you! It's are a good writer (funny, too)! I'll be stopping by regularly. Love you guys!
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