Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Making of a Snowman and the first shot of 2010

The view from Mom and Dad's was amazing.

This is the back yard.

The fluffy snow would finally pack on New Year's Eve. Earlier snows were just too fluffy.

Reilly showed Gabe that you could eat the stuff.... yuck...

Our master piece.

I think you can tell who helped build the snowman and who just stepped out for a picture with it. :)

All done. Broccoli eyes, Carrot nose, and stone mouth. ... lovely. I should mention here that when we inserted that carrot Blake said, "Just watch and see who is the first person to take a bite off that carrot." We chuckled and went in for hot chocolate.

My Daddy and Me.... if ya can't tell.

So here it is! The first shot of 2010 taken right after midnight... or close to it.

Look closely.

Her Daddy was right.

Just as her family was loading up to drive the 2 hours home Reilly took a bite or two from the Frosty's poor Carrot nose.

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