So if there was a Dictionary of Gabriel it would read a little like this:
lello - yellow; Lello is my favorite color.
loo - blue; Loo is Bruh Bruh's favorite color.
ree - green
owa - orange
pu-pool - purple
blaaaa - black
re - red
Bruh-Bruh - Brother; I love my Bruh-bruh.
Dee-dee - Gideon; Dee-dee is my Bruh-bruh.
lank-lank - blanket; I won't sleep without my lank-lank.
nandy - candy
meeee - please; More nandy meeeeee.
wo - 1
hoo - 2
free - 3
foo-uh - 4
fi - 5
see - 6
hwe-e - 7
a - 8
ni - 9
tay - 10
I can count. Wo. hoo. free. foo-uh. fi. see. hwe-e. a. ni. tay. (read that quickly) (He says it with lightening speed!)
pre-vul - pretzle; I like to eat a pre-vul.
pee-ah - pizza; "I don't like pee-ah."
ho-uh - soda; "More ho-uh meeeee."
pee-tie - spaghetti; I love pee-tie.
pee-pee bu-bu a jeweeee - peanut butter and jelly
a ju - apple juice; "I wuh mo pee-pee bu-bu a jeweeee and a ju meeeeeee."
la-la - water
wee-wee - little
Quee-ee - Quinton; Quee-ee is my bee-bee do.
bee-bee do - baby doll; (don't ask)
Ba-bool - Bible; I like to read my Ba-bool. . . every last page.
Ta-ta - Thomas; I love Ta-ta (the train.)
Ba-ba boo-boo - Bob the Builder
pubble - puzzle; I like to steal Bruh-bruh's pubble peices.
wuh - love
ju - you
huh - yes
hoo - too
lawee - sorry
Ok. there was your lesson. Are you ready to translate?
1. "I wuh mo pee-pee bu-bu a jeweeee a a ju meeeeeee." yeah, good luck with that one!
2. "My Bruh-bruh, Dee-dee likes to eat pee-tie and 'rink a ju."
3. "At night I want my lank-lank, Quee-ee, a la-la meeeee."
4. "I wan hoo read my Ba-bool a wee-wee more." click here to hear him say this one
5. "I colored my picture ree, ow, pu-pool, blaaaa and re."
6. "Mama I wuh ju." my personal favorite.