Saturday, February 28, 2009


Everyone would agree that Gabe is a little hard to understand. He is getting much clearer now, but still requires some translation.

So if there was a Dictionary of Gabriel it would read a little like this:

lello - yellow; Lello is my favorite color.
loo - blue; Loo is Bruh Bruh's favorite color.
ree - green
owa - orange
pu-pool - purple
blaaaa - black
re - red

Bruh-Bruh - Brother; I love my Bruh-bruh.
Dee-dee - Gideon; Dee-dee is my Bruh-bruh.

lank-lank - blanket; I won't sleep without my lank-lank.
nandy - candy
meeee - please; More nandy meeeeee.

wo - 1
hoo - 2
free - 3
foo-uh - 4
fi - 5
see - 6
hwe-e - 7
a - 8
ni - 9
tay - 10

I can count. Wo. hoo. free. foo-uh. fi. see. hwe-e. a. ni. tay. (read that quickly) (He says it with lightening speed!)

pre-vul - pretzle; I like to eat a pre-vul.
pee-ah - pizza; "I don't like pee-ah."
ho-uh - soda; "More ho-uh meeeee."
pee-tie - spaghetti; I love pee-tie.
pee-pee bu-bu a jeweeee - peanut butter and jelly
a ju - apple juice; "I wuh mo pee-pee bu-bu a jeweeee and a ju meeeeeee."
la-la - water
wee-wee - little

Quee-ee - Quinton; Quee-ee is my bee-bee do.
bee-bee do - baby doll; (don't ask)

Ba-bool - Bible; I like to read my Ba-bool. . . every last page.

Ta-ta - Thomas; I love Ta-ta (the train.)
Ba-ba boo-boo - Bob the Builder
pubble - puzzle; I like to steal Bruh-bruh's pubble peices.

wuh - love
ju - you
huh - yes
hoo - too
lawee - sorry

Ok. there was your lesson. Are you ready to translate?

1. "I wuh mo pee-pee bu-bu a jeweeee a a ju meeeeeee." yeah, good luck with that one!

2. "My Bruh-bruh, Dee-dee likes to eat pee-tie and 'rink a ju."

3. "At night I want my lank-lank, Quee-ee, a la-la meeeee."

4. "I wan hoo read my Ba-bool a wee-wee more." click here to hear him say this one

5. "I colored my picture ree, ow, pu-pool, blaaaa and re."

6. "Mama I wuh ju." my personal favorite.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nap Time

Ahhh a sleeping boy. It's a beautiful thing.

They are so soft and cuddly and perfect when they are sleeping.

Wait! Why is this one on the floor?

Well, he had a busy nap time. He played and played and amazingly fell asleep. (this is indeed a very rare occasion) When I finally forced myself to rouse him he did this!

Here are the results of his nap time labor that subsequently wore him out.

That's a barn.

This poor canine looks a bit uncomfortable in his stall.

This perky puppy looks a little tall for his abode.

And Boz looks....well...does anyone else have a Boz in their barn? Yeah, he's a big green bear. . . who looks like he's shielding his eyes from something horrible.....

Perhaps he didn't want to see this!!!!

The bear prepared for beheading. He looks resigned to his fate. Poor bear.

I love nap time don't you?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Something Cute

This is my first little fellow. He was a few hours old here.

Here he is again with his haggard mother. Notice the relieved look on our faces.

Here's little fellow number 2.

This little fellow apparently didn't appreciate the birthing process. As I looked through my photos I realized that a good picture of him was hard to find. Poor guy looked like he had a rough time.

We couldn't figure out what color his hair was, but he sure was a sweetie.

So there's your dose of cuteness for today.
Carry on with life as usual.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Country Folks at the Mall

These days when we go to the mall it's a big deal. It's an hour and a half drive and I have to NOT want to shop. Yes, that's what I said, "NOT want to shop." My favorite stores are not in the mall, well, except for Bath and Body Works. But I only like to go in there when they are having their major sales and stock up.

Anyway, when we go we end up at Barnes and Noble playing with the Thomas train table.

We also end up here.....well, I end up here. Rodney ends up at the Bookstore, of course.

This area has just been re-done and is Much nicer than before.

At the risk of being identified as a country-fied folk, I whipped out my handy dandy little pocket camera and got some pictures.

This is the kid who rarely poses...especially with both eyes open. He was in all his glory and I had left my good camera at home. :(

When Dad finished at the bookstore the boys talked him into a few rides on these.

$1.50 worth of pure enjoyment!

Oh, I do have another favorite place in the mall, Auntie Anne's Pretzles. If you ever get within a few miles of their pretzles you should get a bag full of them. They are the best ever made. Just trust me on this one. They started in Pennsylvania (just like me), of course they're good!! :) I've just discovered the almond pretzle. Pretzle perfection. Amen.

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Bible Story Time

Every night at bedtime we try to read a Bible story to the boys. Last night was no different, except that Gabriel now reads the story to me. He insists on sitting and "reading" the Bible for himself. You could not pry the Book from him with a crow bar, I'm afraid. This would be fine except he wants to read every page!!! (there are 511 pages I just checked)

I always manage to get him to eventually quit and lay down, but it takes some cajoling.

If you listen carefully you'll hear about Noah, the "mean" snake, fire, the boat (ark) and the lala (water), and people "praying to Jesus." Although at this time it appears that everyone is Noah. You'll even hear him say, "I wan hoo read a wewe (little) more."

So sit back, relax and enjoy reading the Bible with Gabe.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Women Drivers

I can't resist posting this.

My favorite is when the man finally gets out of his car and parks her car for her!

A nod for this great video goes to "Girl Talk"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Havin' Fun

Ok. This pose makes me think of Urkel.
"Do you have cheeze? I smell CHEEZE??" (hold your nose while reading this line)

He Stole the Glasses from this little Guy. Yes, Puppy has glasses, just like his owner Gideon.

What is he looking at?

I'm glad you asked.

THIS! The new, improved

Wonder-Vacu-Matic 6,000!!!!

Yes, Folks it takes the work out of Vacuuming. Every Mother should have one or even Two!
It conveniently wraps comfortably about the body (waist not to exceed 13 inches) for easy transportation around your home.

It comes in this sleek stainless steel/Nickle finish and is perfectly see-through.

It will hold even the biggest of items.
As shown in our demonstration here, all types of toys can be inhaled by the Wonder-vacu-matic 6,000!

Get yours today.

It doesn't take much for my two silly boys to have fun. They are very imaginative. So imaginative that they don't use their toys for their intended purpose very often. Not that we have a staircase to use the slinky on anyway!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our Valentine's Day Cards

Here's the link

The Country Parson: Valentines Day Thoughts

250 Guests!!!!

Thanks to everyone for reading my silliness! I can't believe that I've hit 250 already. I have my Hubby to thank for featuring me on his Illustrious Blog!! :) I have a confession though. Since I didn't get the counter put on until a few days after I began the blog I started it at 20. So my number may be a little off!!! I'm excited anyway. And thanks for reading and especially for commenting!

Follow up on the Finger Paints

Ok. I want to follow up on that last post.
Lisa commented that the colors didn't last. Well, she's right!!! Just since the post the colors have turned weird. Some have turned back to the pasty white and red turned to pink... The artwork has completely changed. It also seems like it doesn't dry. It is sort of greasy!!
So, the stuff is good for non messy fun art, but not to keep. Just have a blast and then throw the art away. Uggggg that's no fun! Hmmmm I'm disappointed in the stuff now. Anyone have any better luck with it??

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Scary Thing

I have a confession. Finger paints scare me to death. I have never bought any and this is an activity I never wanted to do with my children. I knew I just couldn't handle the stress, and the cleanup, and the ruined clothes, walls, furniture......aahhhhhh hyperventilating here.....

need paper bag.

whew, ok

Well, at Christmas we were given this

As much as I wanted to run away screaming, my strict decorum would not allow me.
So today, yes, it took me a month and a half to get up the courage, I got them out.

Of course, the boys LOVED them!

But here's the thing, I LOVED THEM TOO!!!

It was like painting with Petrolium Jelly! Except that on the special paper it turns the right color! On every other surface it made no mark!!!

So if there's anyone else out there with an unhealthy fear, like mine, of Finger paints Fear NO MORE! Get THIS KIND!

It was So fun for the boys and there was no cleanup. Really!

For Mothers of Preschoolers - these finger paints are your friend
For Grandparents and others who have to try to figure out what to buy kids for gifts - This was such a great Gift!!!

Happy Valentine's Day All!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

These are My Favorite Things

Thursday Night = Date Night.

Tonight was an unusual Date Night.
I went on a date with 3 Guys. Three Very Cute Guys! And they treated me Royally.

My evening began at the Salon. But not just any Salon, my Favorite salon! Where I got a massage, wax, pedicure, and manicure. Alright, ... well not exactly. Actually, I've never had any of those things! Can ya believe that?! Not even for my wedding!

Ok, back to the story. I got a hair cut. See why I was trying to embellish it?? That sounds totally boring. But it was at my favorite Salon!! :)

Next, we went to dinner. . . at my favorite restaurant! We had reserved seating... well, actually the guys went and ordered while I was getting my massage... ahem Haircut.

My husband ordered for me and I sat in the lap of luxury at a fine dining establishment. OK, we had pizza... but it really is my favorite restaurant. Rossini's Italian in Indian Trail.... and it happens to be in the plaza with my favorite Salon. And if I had an extra $100.00 and a big freezer I'd buy 10 of their pizza's and freeze them and eat one every week for the next 10 weeks.

Here's their card, you can click on it to view their site.

Next, we went shopping. . . at my Favorite stores. I enjoyed a huge, unlimited shopping spree at T. J. Maxx where I bought 48 pairs of the cutest shoes you have ever seen and 36 handbags (one in every color and shape.) Ok. well actually we were just looking for some p.j.'s for the boys. They keep out growing theirs. I noticed last night that Gabe's were 3 inches above his ankle and his belly was sticking out. T.J. Maxx had no suitable p.j.'s so we left with nothing at all!!! Which actually thrills me because I'm rather tight and I think of all the money we didn't spend!

Then we went to Target and we found lots of great p.j.'s and left exhausted and happy.

What a Great night! I have to say though, of all my favorite things THESE are my MOST favorite:

My Dates. It's not every Girl that gets to go on a date with three of the most wonderful Guys on earth. My "Official" date was Gideon and he told me on the way home, "Happy Balentimes Day Momma." I hope to remember tonight forever.

Happy Balentimes Day my three wonderful Guys! I love you all so.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bull-a- Bar

Have you ever gone to Bull-a-Bar???

Well, this was our first time.

The Boys really loved it.

Here we are choosing our Bar... I mean Bear.

Hey, there's a Bar over thar in 'em woods. Better git yore gun Granny.

Oh, sorry. Just practicing so I'll be able to communicate with Gideon in a few more years.

They have chosen. Well done Dad.

They were having a blast listening to the sounds. Too bad we didn't get one. ...not.

Praying God's most bountiful blessings on the new life that is about to be.....oh, no.
He was just making a wish. He took it very seriously.

Gabe chose a heart.

They loved giving them a bath.

It took some fancy talkin' but we eventually caused Gabe to part with the Pink "Hello Kitty" chair. Well done Dad.

Meet "Bear." Gabe is very creative with his names.

I just let Gabe push any button he wanted to after we were done with the birth cirtificates. I think free reign of the computer was the highlight of the trip for him.

Gideon dragged this kennel the whole way through the mall.


I have PROOF.

(It was loud and embarrassing too. Don't ya think it wasn't.)

Oh Yeah, Gideon got a puppy. He named him,.....are ya ready for this? "Puppy"

Monday, February 9, 2009

Random Happenings from Yesterday and Today

Last night I opened the Freezer door in search of something green to go with our supper. I found this.

mmmm that'll compliment our main course nicely
frozen washcloth

I'm guessing our sweet babysitter was trying to soothe Gabe's teeth?
Perhaps Gabe just wanted to try freezing something?
Could have been worse.

Later we went outside and this showed up. Trucks are always a show stopper around here. A gas delivery is a highlight of the day for the boys.

Today I asked Gabe to put a bowl in the sink for me. Later I found this.

Grandma sent these Valentine Bears in the mail. Gabe could not let go of the Ball long enough to pose for me.

And I ended my day like this. (My Hubby cruelly took this aweful pic of me)
I'll just be real with ya' and post it anyway.

"Bittersweet" by Cathy Marie Hake
It was a great book.

We topped off the day by going to the "Forever Young" covered dish dinner.
They sure can cook. I took corn pudding.

A great day! I only lost one breakable item!!