Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bible Story Time

Every night at bedtime we try to read a Bible story to the boys. Last night was no different, except that Gabriel now reads the story to me. He insists on sitting and "reading" the Bible for himself. You could not pry the Book from him with a crow bar, I'm afraid. This would be fine except he wants to read every page!!! (there are 511 pages I just checked)

I always manage to get him to eventually quit and lay down, but it takes some cajoling.

If you listen carefully you'll hear about Noah, the "mean" snake, fire, the boat (ark) and the lala (water), and people "praying to Jesus." Although at this time it appears that everyone is Noah. You'll even hear him say, "I wan hoo read a wewe (little) more."

So sit back, relax and enjoy reading the Bible with Gabe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute!
Love the nice "Southern Boy" accent!! It's about as thick as Heidi's "PA Dutch"!!!