Saturday, October 31, 2009

Royal Ambassador CampOut

We were invited to the R. A. Campout. I heard someone say something about "at the Lake" and "Lake house" so I thought it was a safe bet that I could go with our little boys for a while with no problem.

HO HO. We arrived (after only bottoming out in the Accord once on the mile long, pot-hole filled, dirt path) to find this:

Then THIS arrived!!!!!

Thank you for the demonstration, but I'm going home NOW!

Here are some of the guys!

Not sure what the symbolism is with this tree... but I just snapped it anyway.. figured it was a "guy" or "rugged Campout" thing.

Turns out that "lake" really meant "RIVER" and "house" really meant "Tent."

What a beautiful spot it was! We had so much fun eating hot dogs burnt on a BLAZING fire, roasting marshmellows to make smores, chatting, laughing, and watching boys just be Boys.

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